首页ownership remains an important goal for most. But many ask, “is it better then renting?“由于房屋供应短缺,密歇根西南部市场的租金继续上涨. Consider this: with even a modest monthly rent of $750 you would pay $49,在五年的时间里,租金成本将增加5,000美元(假设租金每年增长5%), 这很常见). That is a considerable amount of money, and none of it is building you wealth in the form of equity in a home.

Now consider if you had paid that same $750 on a home valued at $140,000, after five years you would have earned approximately $11,500 in equity (assuming your home appreciated annual at 2%)! 房屋净值——如果你不知道的话——是你房屋的当前市场价值减去你所欠的金额. 你的财产权益随着你偿还抵押贷款和房屋价值的上升而增加. 简而言之,房屋净值是房主最大的经济利益.

首页 ownership continues to steadily rise, and with the average first time home buyer being 32 years old, 我们觉得和我们的金融服务代表谈谈会很有趣, 正义Blasengame, 最近有谁经历了这个过程,在21岁时首次买房. 对于贾斯蒂斯和她的未婚夫来说,这显然是“买房好还是租房好”这个问题的答案?”

Here are her six tips when it comes to buying your first home:

1. Make Sure The Costs Work For You

在你开始购买房屋之前,有几件事需要考虑. First off, will it fit in your budget? 大多数专家说,你最多应该把总收入(税前)的30%用于买房.


房租上涨绝对是决定买房而不是租房的一个因素, but you have to make sure that the costs work for you.

2. Understand How Much House You Can Afford

你要做的第一件事就是和抵押贷款机构谈谈,看看你是否在一个买房的好地方. 如果你能获得资格预审, you will have a good idea of how much house you can afford, and what mortgage payments might look like.

“去年我们想买房子,但有些事情要先整理好,正义解释道。. “We needed to develop more credit. 我们更年轻,没有良好的信用记录,所以我们办了一张信用卡,我们每个人都有一笔汽车贷款. 他们希望看到你的信用报告上有至少12个月的三个信用额度, and we each only had one at the time. 也, we needed to have more time on the current job, 你必须有两年的工作经验,而且没有失业间隙.”

“After spending a little time improving our credit history, we were able to get prequalified for a mortgage,她补充道。. “This gave us a real idea of what we could afford, so we weren’t looking at homes that were outside our budget.”

3. 保存,保存,保存


“存钱,存钱,存钱. 你很可能需要钱来支付交易费用,而在我们现在所处的市场中, sellers don’t have to pay for closing costs,法官说. “通常情况下,卖家会为买家支付50%的成交费用, so if you put in an offer and ask for say 3.5%接近成交, and someone else offers the same amount, but doesn’t ask for anything for closing, then they’re going to accept that other offer.”

Regardless of what you have saved for your down payment, 重要的是要记住,你需要为检查预留一些, 评估, 可能还有结案费用.

“幸运的是,在Arbor Financial,我们提供首付3%的贷款以及其他贷款 对购房者来说是个不错的选择.”法官说。.

4. Don't Forget to Factor in 保险 & 税 into Your Monthly Budget

Prospective buyers also need to consider costs like insurance, 还有财产税, which can affect what you’re paying every month.

“Something most people don’t take into consideration is property taxes.”法官说。. “房屋保险也是一样,很多人没有考虑到这一点. 如果你有抵押贷款,那么贷款人会要求你购买保险.”

5. Escrow Can Work To Your Benefit

什么是托管? A lot of people get confused with the term, 但其实很简单, and Justice tells us from her experience, 这对你有好处.

简单地说,托管账户是由你的抵押贷款机构设立的,用来支付与房产相关的费用. 托管账户用于支付财产税、房主保险和抵押贷款保险(PMI)。. The money that goes into escrow comes from your monthly mortgage payment. The idea is that this way it’s already taken care of each month, 而且你也不用担心每年支付一两次高额的房产税.

司法部告诉我们,税收和保险的托管费用大约是每月300美元, 并说“这是值得的。.”

“对于其他千禧一代来说, even if you don’t have to escrow, 我鼓励这样做, 因为它基本上是强迫储蓄来支付你的保险和税收, so it’s not something that you have to think about month to month,”她说。.

6. 如果你打算在这个地区待一段时间,一定要考虑买房的好处

Justice is thrilled with her decision and is proud to be a homeowner, and she encourages others to try to do so as well, especially if you plan on being in the area for a long time.

“We stayed in the exact same apartment for three years. I think about all the money we lost just by paying rent to somebody else, when we could have been building equity in a home. So, go see if you can qualify, and see what you need to do to get there.法官说.

如果你准备好把钥匙还给你的房东,然后进入你自己的家, then talking with an Arbor Financial 抵押贷款的专业 你的第一步是. We’ll work with you to understand your budget and goals, 然后建议合适的首次购房者计划是适合你的!

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